Theology involves education which is an instrument and structure for securing the future of the Church. Establishment of ground rules on how theological studies can be used as a tool for the benefit of practical ministry in transforming the church and society as a whole is indeed crucial. This study report therefore investigates the relevance of theological studies for practical ministry. It considers the extent to which church ministers, pastors and leaders apply their theological knowledge in ministerial practices. The study adopted a quantitative and qualitative research approach to examine and explain the data obtained. Most of the respondents had some knowledge in theological education and were practicing it. However, the study indicated that those with little or no knowledge in theological education may not have attended formal Bible schools where proper theology is taught and this could affect their church growth, societal development and transformation. To improve upon the quality of the life of the church members holistically, the study suggests that, theological education is relevant for practical ministry through knowledge in theology and its practice. The study further highlights the need for a more informed theological education of ministers and leaders of churches in order to conduct their activities in such a way that can impact society. It recommends that, proper theological education and reliance on the Holy Spirit should be mutually engaged for a total development and transformation of our societies.