For an institution that already owns the licenses, it is economically advantageous and technically feasible to use Pinnacle TPS (Philips Radiation Oncology Systems, Fitchburg, WI) with the BrainLab Novalis delivery system (BrainLAB A.G., Heimstetten, Germany). This takes advantage of the improved accuracy of the convolution algorithm in the presence of heterogeneities compared with the pencil beam calculation, which is particularly significant for lung SBRT treatments. The reference patient positioning DRRs still have to be generated by the BrainLab software from the CT images and isocenter coordinates transferred from Pinnacle. We validated this process with the end‐to‐end hidden target test, which showed an isocenter positioning error within one standard deviation from the previously established mean value. The Novalis treatment table attenuation is substantial (up to 6.2% for a beam directed straight up and up to 8.4% for oblique incidence) and has to be accounted for in calculations. A simple single‐contour treatment table model was developed, resulting in mean differences between the measured and calculated attenuation factors of 0.0%–0.2%, depending on the field size. The maximum difference for a single incidence angle is 1.1%. The BrainLab micro‐MLC (mMLC) leaf tip, although not geometrically round, can be represented in Pinnacle by an arch with satisfactory dosimetric accuracy. Subsequently, step‐and‐shoot (direct machine parameter optimization) IMRT dosimetric agreement is excellent. VMAT (called “SmartArc” in Pinnacle) treatments with constant gantry speed and dose rate are feasible without any modifications to the accelerator. Due to the 3 mm‐wide mMLC leaves, the use of a 2 mm calculation grid is recommended. When dual arcs are used for the more complex cases, the overall dosimetric agreement for the SmartArc plans compares favorably with the previously reported results for other implementations of VMAT: γ(3%,3mm) for absolute dose obtained with the biplanar diode array passing rates above 97% with the mean of 98.6%. However, a larger than expected dose error with the single‐arc plans, confined predominantly to the isocenter region, requires further investigationPACS numbers: 87.55Qr, 87.56Nk