Identity development occurs in the context of real-time interactions. However, existing research on interactions has focused on identity processes and little is known about identity content development within interactions. We define real-time identity as claims about selves, formulated in the service of an interactional "social business." The aim of this methodological paper is to introduce Iterative Micro-Content Analysis (IMICA) as an approach to studying the changes and consistencies in real-time identity content. We outline four key principles of IMICA and offer a step by step guide to its analytic stages. We provide two worked examples for illustration: a video-recorded conversation between two young women on the topic of "love and desire," and audio-recorded speed-dating conversations between young same-sex attracted men. The worked examples demonstrate how IMICA can be used to study how identity claims change within a single interaction as well as across multiple interactions. We argue that IMICA's empirical insights into the concrete mechanisms through which social interactions shape identities are of both theoretical and practical relevance. We discuss how IMICA may allow for a micro-level operationalization of macro-level concepts (e.g., exploration or identity centrality), outline how it may be combined with quantitative analyses, and discuss its limitations.
Identity development; realtime processes; social context; identity contentThe development of identity is the central psychosocial task of adolescence and continues into emerging adulthood (Arnett, 2015). It is in the context of everyday interactions with social others that individuals both make identity-constitutive experiences as well as integrate these experiences into a coherent sense of self (Adams & Marshall, 1996;Postmes et al., 2006). This process involves concrete actions and behaviors unfolding in real-time (Lichtwarck-Aschoff et al., 2008;Raeff, 2014;Steinberg, 1995). Importantly, within interactions others are not static developmental contexts, but are actively contributing to an individual's identity development (Schachter & Ventura, 2008). It is through these repeated constructions and negotiations of identities within the here-and-now (i.e. micro-level) that more stable identities emerge across developmental time (i.e. macro-level;Schachter, 2015;Thorne & Shapiro, 2011). Thus, everyday interactions both provide the "content" of identities (e.g., Galliher et al., 2017), and are at the same time a pivotal site and process for the integration of these experiences (e.g., Adams & Marshall, 1996;Postmes et al., 2006). The aim of this methodological paper is to introduce Iterative Micro-Identity Content Analysis (IMICA) as an approach to the study of identity content and its change in the context of real-time interactions.