18 Global change is threatening coral reefs, with rising temperatures leading to repeat bleaching 19 events (dysbiosis of coral hosts and their symbiotic algae) and ocean acidification reducing net 20 coral calcification. Although global-scale mass bleaching events are revealing fine-scale patterns 21 of coral resistance and resilience, traits that lead to persistence under environmental stress remain 22 elusive. Here, we conducted a 95-day controlled-laboratory experiment to investigate how 23 duration of exposure to ocean warming (28, 31°C), acidification (pCO 2 = 400-2800 ”atm), and 24 their interaction influence the physiological responses of two Caribbean reef-building coral 25 species (Siderastrea siderea, Pseudodiploria strigosa) from two reef zones of the Belize 26 Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System. Every 30 days, calcification rate, total host protein and 27 carbohydrate, chlorophyll a pigment concentration, and symbiont cell density were quantified for 28 the same coral colony to characterize acclimatory responses of each genotype. Physiologies of 29 the two species were differentially affected by these stressors, with exposure duration 30 modulating responses. Siderastrea siderea was most affected by extreme pCO 2 (~2800 ”atm), 31 which resulted in reduced calcification rate, symbiont density, and chlorophyll a concentration. 32 Siderastrea siderea calcification rate initially declined under extreme pCO 2 but recovered by the 33 final time point, and overall demonstrated resistance to next-century pCO 2 and temperature 34 stress. In contrast, P. strigosa was more negatively impacted by elevated temperature (31°C). 35 Reductions in P. strigosa calcification rate and total carbohydrates were consistently observed 36 over time regardless of pCO 2 treatment, with the greatest reductions observed under elevated 37 temperature. However, nearshore colonies of P. strigosa maintained calcification rates under 38 elevated temperature throughout all exposure durations, suggesting individuals from this 39 environment may be locally adapted to the warmer temperatures characterizing their natal reef 40 zone. This experiment highlights how tracking individual coral colony physiology across broad 41 exposure durations can capture acclimatory responses of corals to global change stressors. 42 43