It is proved that two different common generalizations of orthocomplete and lattice effect algebras coincide within the class of separable Archimedean effect algebras.Keywords Effect algebra, orthocomplete, lattice, separable, Archimedean Ovchinnikov [4] introduced weakly orthocomplete orthomodular posets (he called them alternative) as a common generalization of orthocomplete orthomodular posets and orthomodular lattices and showed that they are disjunctive. Weak orthocompleteness is useful in the study of orthoatomisticity and disjunctivity might be used to characterize atomisticity [4,8]. Weak orthocompleteness was generalized by De Simone and Navara [1] to the so-called property (W+), which was generalized for effect algebras by Tkadlec [10].Tkadlec [5] introduced the class of orthomodular posets with the maximality property as another common generalization of orthocomplete orthomodular posets and orthomodular lattices. He showed various consequences of this property and generalized it to the so-called property (CU) [5,6,7,9].Both properties (W+) and (CU) are generalizations of orthocomplete effect algebras and lattice effect algebras [9,10]. We show that in the class of separable Archimedean effect algebras these properties are equivalent.1 Basic notions and properties Definition 1.1 An effect algebra is an algebraic structure (E, ⊕, 0, 1) such that E is a set, 0 and 1 are different elements of E and ⊕ is a partial binary operation on E such that for every a, b, c ∈ E the following conditions hold: