The PTSIM (Particle Therapy System Simulation Framework) is a Monte Carlo simulation framework based on Geant4 for particle therapy validated with protons and carbons. Although the Monte Carlo simulation is believed to be the most reliable method of dose calculation, the calculation time is still critical in performing the simulation with suff cient statistical accuracy for clinical applications. The grid computing environments provide a straightforward way to gain computational speed without modifying the current PTSIM code. We have studied the performance of PTSIM in grid computing environments. The system parameters such as turnaround time, waiting time, simulation time and data transfer time have been collected in each simulation for different treatment conf gurations and grid computing environments. The simulation time was examined in conditions for the validation of treatment port and the quality assurance of clinical applications, respectively. In order to reduce the simulation time for clinical applications, we prepared the phase space data of tracks at the entrance of treatment head in validated treatment port and repeated the simulation by generating particles in the phase space data. In this paper, we report on the result of scalability benchmark for these simulations in treatment port validations and quality assurance in clinical applications.