Complex traits like limbs, brains, or eyes form through coordinated integration of diverse cell fates across developmental space and time, yet understanding how complexity and integration emerge from uniform, undifferentiated precursor tissues remains limited. Here, we use ectopic eye formation as a paradigm to investigate the emergence and integration of novel complex structures following massive ontogenetic perturbation. We show that down-regulation via RNAi of a single head patterning gene-orthodenticle-induces ectopic structures externally resembling compound eyes at the middorsal adult head of both basal and derived scarabaeid beetle species (Onthophagini and Oniticellini). Scanning electron microscopy documents ommatidial organization of these induced structures, while immunohistochemistry reveals the presence of rudimentary ommatidial lenses, crystalline cones, and associated neural-like tissue within them. Further, RNAsequencing experiments show that after orthodenticle downregulation, the transcriptional signature of the middorsal headthe location of ectopic eye induction-converges onto that of regular compound eyes, including up-regulation of several retina-specific genes. Finally, a light-aversion behavioral assay to assess functionality reveals that ectopic compound eyes can rescue the ability to respond to visual stimuli when wild-type eyes are surgically removed. Combined, our results show that knockdown of a single gene is sufficient for the middorsal head to acquire the competence to ectopically generate a functional compound eye-like structure. These findings highlight the buffering capacity of developmental systems, allowing massive genetic perturbations to be channeled toward orderly and functional developmental outcomes, and render ectopic eye formation a widely accessible paradigm to study the evolution of complex systems.developmental buffering | complex trait evolution | ex situ development | organoid | RNA-seq D evelopmental systems channel tissues with broad potential into tightly regulated, specific fates, thereby enabling the formation of highly complex traits like limbs, brains, photic organs, or eyes. How complex traits develop from undifferentiated precursor tissues and how this ability itself originated and diversified are questions that have motivated biologists since the emergence of evolutionary thinking. The evolution and development of arthropod compound eyes in particular has attracted significant attention due to the high level of structural and regulatory complexity required to produce a functional organ: Functional compound eyes exhibit ommatidial organization, possess neural projections connecting to the central nervous system, express eye development and photoreceptor genes, and enable an integrated behavioral response to light stimuli. Insect eyes develop from pluripotent anterior head regions also capable of generating single-lens ocelli and nonvisual epidermis. Patterning of this region, best understood in Drosophila flies and Tribolium beetles, depends on a complex a...