Abandoning hybrid poplar plantations may be an alternative strategy for enlarging natural riparian corridors along regulated rivers where forest regeneration no longer takes place. Despite the generally high local diversity of plants in poplar plantations, their capacity to converge towards riparian forests following abandonment remains largely untested and uncertain, because maintenance-related disturbance of plantations favors ruderal, not strictly riparian specialists. We assessed the spontaneous recolonization of vegetation in abandoned hybrid poplar plantations following two management strategies: harvesting or simple abandonment of standing trees. The floristic composition in four chronosequences of 10 active (1-15 years), 17 harvested (1-15 years), and 10 abandoned (8-20 years) hybrid poplar plantations, as well as 10 riparian sites established at gravel bars that appeared following the cessation of in-channel gravel mining (8-25 years) along the highly regulated Garonne River (SW France) was assessed in the framework of ecological disturbance theory. Both harvested and abandoned sites still resembled active plantations more than riparian forests. When poplar resprouting was low after harvesting, sites were dominated by light-demanding, nitrophilous herbs, sub-shrubs, and vines showing both competitive and ruderal traits, and vegetation composition remained stable over time. Abandoned and harvested sites with high poplar resprouting developed forest communities in which competitive species that tolerate and generate shade dominated, and tree species recruitment was higher. Riparian sites hosted the highest number of indicator species, mainly wetland and exotic. Simple passive restoration strategies like abandonment of plantations can help create valuable ecosystems, although ones that diverge from riparian forests colonizing new fluvial landforms.