Comprehensive care integrates individual patient needs and is highly valued for patients with pulmonary fibrosis (PF). The importance of a patient-centered care approach is rooted in the unpredictable progressiveness of the disease course in PF. The respiratory impairment associated with PF has a major impact on the quality of life for both patients and their caregivers. We believe that prioritizing patient preferences could improve the shared decision making process and may ultimately lead to better health outcomes. Despite the growing emphasis for this approach, it remains challenging to adopt it in clinical practice. In this review, we propose the comprehensive Triple A Care Model, consisting of the domains Access, Anticipate, and Act, which emphasizes core elements of patient-centered care for patients with PF. We will provide an overview of the unmet needs in care for patients with PF and elaborate on the current methods for delivering patient-centered care. The latest insights into symptom management and supportive measures and several approaches to improving access to care are discussed, in line with the most recent guidelines.