A 68-year-old male cadaver showed bilateral variation in the sensory innervation of the dorsum of hand. On the dorsum of right hand, first digit and lateral half of second digit were supplied by lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (LABCN); medial side of second digit and lateral side of third digit were supplied by superficial branch of radial nerve (SBRN) and medial side of third digit, the fourth and fifth digits were supplied by dorsal cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve (DBUN). On the dorsum of the left hand, lateral side of first digit was supplied by LABCN, medial side of first digit, the second and third digits as well as the lateral side of fourth digit were supplied by SBRN; medial side of fourth digit and fifth digit were supplied by DBUN. These variations would be helpful in understanding peripheral neuropathy, in interpretation of conduction velocity studies and in reconstructive surgery of hand.