Hartree-Fock (HF) theory makes the prediction that for neutral atoms the chemical potential (l) is equal to minus the ionization potential (I). This has led us to inquire whether this intimate relation is sensitive to electron correlation. We present here therefore some discussion of the predictions for neutral atoms and atomic ions, and some homonuclear diatomic molecules. An account of fairly recent progress in obtaining the HF ionization potentials for the isoelectronic series of He, Be, Ne, Mg, and Ar-like atomic ions is first considered. The 1=Z expansion for total non-relativistic energy of atomic ions evokes that l52I is not very sensitive to the introduction of electron correlation. The connection between l and I for neutral atoms via the Pauli potential (V P ) is then examined. We focus on the relation of V P to more recent advances in density functional theory (DFT) plus low-order density matrix theory. In this context, the example of nonrelativistic Be-like atomic ions is treated. Afterward, we introduce the bosonized equation for the density amplitude ffiffiffi q p , which emphasizes the major role that plays dT W =dq in DFT. For spherical atomic densities, the bosonized potential argument strongly suggests also that l52I remains valid in the presence of electron correlation. Finally, numerical estimates of l and I from natural orbital functional (NOF) theory are presented for neutral atoms ranging from H to Kr. The predicted vertical I by means of the extended Koopmans' theorem are in good agreement with the corresponding experimental data. However, the NOF theory of l lowers the experimental values considerably as we approach to noble gas atoms though oscillatory behavior is in evidence. V C 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/qua.25039
Ionization Potential and Asymptotic Large r Behavior of Ground-State Density of Spherical AtomsIt seems natural to begin this review relating to advances in density functional theory (DFT) with some account of fairly recent progress in obtaining the ground-state electron density q r ð Þ in some spherical atoms. Then, the nonrelativistic twoelectron He-like series of atomic ions with atomic number Z affords an appropriate starting point.Large r behavior of q r ð Þ in terms of I and Z It is well-known [1] that, in atomic units (a.u.), the ground-state density of rare gas atoms with spherical electron density q r ð Þ falls off at sufficiently large r as where I is the ionization potential. For sufficiently large Z, the expressions for constants n and A were found by March and Pucci [2] based on the early work of Schwartz, [3] namely, n % 2ð3=4ÞZ 21 and A5ð2Z 3 =pÞ½12ð3=4ZÞlnZ1OðZ 21 Þ . However, a more general relationship between n and I for arbitrary atomic number Z can be obtained using the DFT for the He-like series of atomic ions. [4] Consider V(r) is the one-body potential of DFT, then the constant chemical potential equation reads [5] l5 dT s q ½ dq 1V r ð Þwhere T s q ½ is the single-particle kinetic energy functional. While T s is still unknown for gener...