Accuracy of the fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo (FN-DMC) depends on the node location of the best available trial state ΨT . The practical FN-DMC approaches available for large systems rely on compact yet effective ΨT s containing explicitly correlated single Slater determinant (SD). However, SD nodes may be better suited to one system than to another, which may possibly lead to inaccurate FN-DMC energy differences. It remains a challenge, how to estimate inequivalency or appropriateness of SDs. Here we use the differences of a measure based on Euclidean distance between the natural orbital occupation number (NOON) vector of the Slater determinant (SD) from the exact solution in the NOON vector space, that can be viewed as a measure of SD inequivalency and a measure of the expected degree of nondynamic-correlation-related bias in FN-DMC energy differences. This is explored on a set of small noncovalent complexes and covalent bond breaking of Si2 vs. N2. It turns out that NOON-based measures well reflect the magnitude and sign of the bias present in the data available, thus providing new insights to the nature of bias cancellation in SD FN-DMC energy differences.
I. MOTIVATIONFixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo (FN-DMC) is a projector many-body electronic structure method 1-3 , promising for its accuracy, massive parallelism, loworder CPU cost scaling and direct treatment of extended models 4,5 . For a given Hamiltonian H, FN-DMC projects out the ground-state Ψ that has non-zero overlap with the antisymmetric trial state Ψ T , in imaginary time τ :In real space, FN-DMC captures symmetric correlations exactly, and the accuracy of Fermi states is limited by the location of the supplied approximate node, i.e., a subset of electron positions R where Ψ T (R) = 0. The total FN-DMC energy is an upper bound to the exact energy 6 (which would result if the node would be exact) and the related bias, FN bias, scales quadratically with the nodal displacement error 7 . In principle, Ψ T can be systematically improved so that the related FN bias becomes negligible 8,9 , however, with increasing system size, such an approach eventually becomes unreliable. The practical FN-DMC approaches available for large systems 10,11 therefore rely on compact yet effective Ψ T s like Slater-Jastrow (SJ) ansätze 12 , containing explicitly correlated single Slater determinant (SD) 13 (or a small number of them). Such an approach makes FN-DMC somewhat empirical, because the nodes of SJ Ψ T s are not converged and related FN bias is hard to control. Thus, the method performance must be mapped a priori for a representative class of systems considered 14,15 . In general, nevertheless, FN-DMC using SJ wave functions is predictive and reaches acceptable accuracy in a number of important systems where it has no competitors, e.g., transition metal oxides at high pressure 16 , magnetic states in solids 17-21 or large noncovalent systems 10,11,22-24 (for more examples, see reviews 4,5,25-34).In small noncovalent systems, surprisingly accurate single-point...