In the 20th century, many brilliant personalities enriched not only domestic, but also world science, including V N. Sukachev, E. M. Lavrenko, V B. Sochava. In general, paradigms are important in the development of science as examples of problem posing models or new approaches to the implementation of ideas. The paradigm of the spatial organization of phytosystems from the standpoint of a universal scientific approach is affirmed in the triad of the process of cognition: see - describe - explain. It reflects the concept of the spatial-structural approach in geobotany. To the question - why, the meaning of the explanatory paradigm of the process of cognition is focused. As an example, the results of our studies of the vegetation of the upland terraces of the Altai Mountains. Based on the analysis of their most important features of the structure and modes of operation, a schematic diagram of the types of interaction of elements of the terraced slope was created, which made it possible to reach a forecast in the dynamics of their development. The paradigm of adaptive morphogenesis of plants in ecosystems, landscape and topolithogenic spheres is expressed in the triad of relationships: the center of ore genesis - geochemical anomaly - adaptive morphogenesis. This is the basis of the biogeochemical conditionality of florogenesis, which means the prospects for research into the latest foci of speciation -the formation of endemic species and communities of vegetation. Thus, we established selective accumulation of gold (Au) by fruticose lichens in the communities of taiga larch forests of the Ilchir tract in the foothills of the Kitoi bald mountains (Eastern Sayan). The selective accumulation of elements in phytocenoses indicates the biogeochemical conditionality of florogenesis. An endemic cryophyte-steppe association with Festuca komarovii Krivot. is described. Phylocenogenesis as a process of adaptive morphogenesis of biosystems is the growth point of geobotany, and its result - speciation and cenogenesis are realized in complex geobotanical studies.