It is widely accepted that intrapreneurial behavior is imperative for any type of organization to maintain sustainability in terms of growth and performance. In this context, it is also important to investigate the factors that play a role in promoting intrapreneurship within dynamic industries, such as the higher education industry. For this purpose, this study aimed to explore the antecedents of intrapreneurial intention in academic staff to provide theoretical as well as practical contributions for universities. We used a survey method to collect data with a sample consisting of 236 academic staff from universities in Northern Cyprus, and tested hypotheses through three different structural models by using structural equation modeling (SEM). Following a deductive approach to establish constructs in the models, we treated academic intrapreneurial intention as the dependent variable, and self-leadership, self-efficacy, and psychological capital as the independent variables. In addition, attitudes toward intrapreneurship, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control were individually tested as mediating variables. The results of this study indicate that self-leadership, self-efficacy, and psychological capital have direct and indirect effects on academic intrapreneurial intention, and attitudes toward intrapreneurship, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control play a mediating role between these antecedents and academic intrapreneurial intention.