BACKGROUND: Engagement and education of ICU clinicians in disaster preparedness is fragmented by time constraints and institutional barriers and frequently occurs during a disaster . We reviewed the existing literature from 2007 to April 2013 and expert opinions about clinician engagement and education for critical care during a pandemic or disaster and off er suggestions for integrating ICU clinicians into planning and response. Th e suggestions in this article are important for all of those involved in a pandemic or large-scale disaster with multiple critically ill or injured patients, including front-line clinicians, hospital administrators, and public health or government offi cials.
METHODS:A systematic literature review was performed and suggestions formulated according to the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) Consensus Statement development methodology. We assessed articles, documents, reports, and gray literature reported since 2007. Following expert-informed sorting and review of the literature, key priority areas and questions were developed. No studies of suffi cient quality were identifi ed upon which to make evidence-based recommendations. Th erefore, the panel developed expert opinion-based suggestions using a modifi ed Delphi process.
RESULTS:Twenty-three suggestions were formulated based on literature-informed consensus opinion. Th ese suggestions are grouped according to the following thematic elements: (1) situational awareness, (2) clinician roles and responsibilities, (3) education, and (4) community engagement. Together, these four elements are considered to form the basis for eff ective ICU clinician engagement for mass critical care.
CONCLUSIONS:Th e optimal engagement of the ICU clinical team in caring for large numbers of critically ill patients due to a pandemic or disaster will require a departure from the routine independent systems operating in hospitals. An eff ective response will require robust information systems; coordination among clinicians, hospitals, and governmental organizations; pre-event engagement of relevant stakeholders; and standardized core competencies for the education and training of critical care clinicians. CHEST 2014; 146 ( 4_Suppl ) 4. We suggest public health/government offi cials at centralized or regional emergency management coordinating centers use expert medical guidance, such as burn, neuro, or trauma critical care, specifi c to the nature of the incident to inform decision-making for mass critical care delivery. 5. We suggest every ICU clinician participate in disaster response training and education . 6. We suggest expectations regarding clinician response to pandemics or disasters be delineated in contractual agreements, medical staff bylaws, or other formal documents that govern the array of responsibilities to the health-care system. 7. We suggest hospitals employ and/or train ICU physicians in disaster preparedness and response. 8. We suggest hospitals ensure appropriate ICU leadership with knowledge and expertise in the management of ...