This paper provides an in-depth analysis into two case studies aimed at addressing the digital divide in two developing countries. A detailed description is provided for each case study along with an analysis of how successful the two projects were at addressing the digital divide in Siyabuswa, South Africa and Ennis, Ireland. The two case studies were both community-based ICT projects in rural areas of their respective countries. However, citizens in Siyabuswa had to continuously work hard to obtain new resources for a central hub which serviced the entire community, while citizens in Ennis were awarded a grant with an abundance of ICT technology including an Internet connection in every home. A conceptual framework for analyzing the success of digital inclusion projects was developed through a comprehensive literature review. This paper will identify the three factors (value, sustainability, and scalability) and four key components (digital equity, excellence, opportunity, and empowerment) that make up the framework, analyze each of the two case studies based on the framework, and explore future implications for addressing gaps in ICT access through the implementation of digital inclusion projects.