Metacognition, thinking, and learning are a continuous transformation in case of different aspects of the same event. In turn, metacognition is an inseparable part of the process of thinking to think. Recently, the definition of metacognition has been elaborated. And as defined in the past, it has only consisted of "thinking on think", but now it covers of awareness of one's own knowledge, cognitive steps, cognitive and effective situations, intentional and awareness monitoring ability, and regulating his/herself knowledge, as well. In such a process, social awareness and social dimensions of development thinking in the participants' individual learning and language are an inevitable necessity and the key to thinking rather than effective think. In this line, individuals are also supposed to effectively use the cognitive processes and skills. Herewith, metacognition could be accepted as a large structure consisting of the community service activities. As research findings also revealed, the teachers' participation in community service activities is being effective for the development of cognitive skills and higher-level thinking processes; in this regard, as it contribute the teachers' development of the responsibility for their own learning, it has positively contributed that the more their necessary skills increased, the more positive attitude toward student the teachers have. To determine the prospective teachers' personal traits, the perception on Community Service Activities, and to measure the cognitive skills respectively in this research, it was used "Personal Information Form"; "Community Service Activities Scale", and "Cognitive Awareness Scale". Las but not least, the overall aim of this study is to uncover what extent the prospective teacher's cognitive skills is predicted in terms of the variables of Community Service Activities Perception Scale.