Indicators are used in a variety of contexts for exploring community and regional conditions, progress towards goals, and gauging current conditions. We explore the role indicators play in aiding assessment of community well-being, including how they are applied. We consider community well-being to be a comprehensive concept in many dimensions of community life and explore its relations to indicators. Based on ideas around domains and sub-domains as well as relevant indicators, we find that indicators may serve a role in conceptualizing and assessing community well-being. It is a complex undertaking but there exists enough conceptualization and application that a relational framework is proposed with the intent of aiding in tying the use of indicators to assessment of community well-being. Keywords Quality of life. Community well-being. Indicators. Subjective and objective well-being Overview Community indicators can help deepen understanding of complex and interrelated aspects that are inherent in any area where people, nature, economies, politics, and any other dimension of life intersect. Communities are indeed complex by their very nature and represent a full range of interaction and relational effects. Indicators, by their nature, seek to break down these complexities for measurement to foster insight and understanding. This is typically done via subjective and objective data points that