Let R be a commutative ring with identity and A(R) be the set of ideals of R with non-zero annihilator. The annihilator-ideal graph of R, denoted by A I (R), is a simple graph with the vertex set A(R) * := A(R) \ {(0)}, and two distinct vertices I and J are adjacent if and only if Ann R (IJ) = Ann R (I) โช Ann R (J).In this paper, we study the affinity between the annihilator-ideal graph and the annihilating-ideal graph AG(R) (a well-known graph with the same vertices and two distinct vertices I, J are adjacent if and only if IJ = 0) associated with R. All rings whose A I (R) = AG(R) and gr(A I (R)) = 4 are characterized. Among other results, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions under which A I (R) is a star graph. *