Let M be a von Neumann algebra. For every self-adjoint locally measurable operator a, there exists a central self-adjoint locally measurable operator c 0 such that, given any ε > 0, |[a, u ε ]| (1 − ε)|a − c 0 | for some unitary operator u ε ∈ M . In particular, every derivation δ : M → I (where I is an ideal in M ) is inner, and δ = δ a for a ∈ I .Let M be a von Neumann algebra with center Z(M ). We denote the inner derivation on M generated by an element a ∈ M by δ a = [a, · ]. Clearly, δ a is a continuous linear operator on (M , · M ) (here, · M denotes the C * -norm on M ). The operator norm of δ a is estimated from below as δ a a − c M for some c ∈ Z(M ) [4]. It is natural to ask whether the positive operator |a − c| with some c ∈ Z(M ) is majorized, with respect to some natural partial order on M h = {x ∈ M : x = x * }, by the operator δ a (y) for some self-adjoint y ∈ M such that y M 1. To state our main result, we need the notion of an operator (locally) measurable with respect to a von Neumann algebra. A closed densely defined operator a affiliated with a von Neumann algebra M is said to be measurable with respect to M if the spectral projection e |a| (λ, +∞) of |a| is finite for some λ > 0. The set S(M ) of all operators measurable with respect to M is a * -algebra under the strong sum and strong multiplication operations [5]. A closed densely defined operator a affiliated with a von Neumann algebra M is said to be locally measurable with respect to M if there exists a sequence of projections {z n } ⊂ Z(M ) such that z n ↑ 1 and az n ∈ S(M ) for every n. The set LS(M ) of all operators locally measurable with respect to M is a * -algebra under the strong sum and strong multiplication operations; moreover, S(M ) ⊂ LS(M ) [5].Below, by Z(A ) we denote the center of an algebra A . Theorem 1. Let M be a von Neumann algebra, and let a = a * ∈ LS(M ). Then the following assertions hold.(1) There exists an operator c 0 = c * 0 ∈ Z(LS(M )) such that, for every ε > 0, there exists a unitary self-adjoint operator(2) If M is a finite or purely infinite σ-finite von Neumann algebra, then there exists an operator c 0 = c * 0 ∈ Z(LS(M )) and a self-adjoint unitary operatorLet M be a σ-finite factor of type I ∞ or II ∞ . There exists a self-adjoint element a ∈ M such that the inequality |[a, u]| |a − λ1| fails for every λ ∈ C and every unitary u ∈ M [1]. Hence the factor 1 − ε in Theorem 1(1) cannot be omitted.The main technique in the proof of this theorem consists in thoroughly comparing spectral projections of the self-adjoint operator a ∈ LS(M ) and "gluing toghether" the required unitary operators by partial isometries between these projections. This technique was first used (in the case of factors) in [1].The inequality in Theorem 1(1) strengthens classical results going back to Calkin's celebrated paper [2]. Interestingly, our methods are completely different from those of Calkin and have wider range of application.Corollary 2. Let M be a von Neumann algebra, and let I be an ideal in M . Then the following asse...