Commuting nowadays is a worldwide trend. Due to the urban development, cities become larger creating agglomerations. It leads to broader human mobility. One of the other key thoughts about commuting is the positive impact of commuting flows on creating new workplaces (Russo et. al., 2011; Xiao et. al, 2021). First, vast commuting flows can make it easy to find appropriate candidates for job vacancies to be filled. Secondly, there is a demand for different goods and services in receiving areas created by commuters. Therefore, by means of local demand, new workplaces can be produced. The aim of the study is to analyze the relationship between commuting flows and the creation of new workplaces in Kazakhstan. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used in the paper. Secondary research is used to provide and compare existing models of commuting impact on the workplaces. Data on the workplaces created in Kazakhstan is collected via the Bureau of National Statistics of the RK. Descriptive statistical methods serve as a visual representation of the collected data. Finally, inferential statistics are used to find the relations between the commuting flows and the creation of new workplaces in Kazakhstan. This study can contribute to existing studies on commuting, especially to studies on urban development in Almaty since commuting is closely related to the urban topic.