Physical rehabilitation (PR) is crucial in medicine that, yet to date, often relies on qualitative rather than objectively quantifiable data. With the recent scientific and technological advances, several instruments and methods have been proposed aimed at measuring and evaluating rehabilitation objectively, for quantitative PR (QPR), though without a standardized data format. The lack of a standard data format implies several issues, including the inability to compare datafrom different devices, create patient history, perform temporal evaluation or inter-patient comparisons, share data, create and use common evaluation scalesfor therapists, calculate statistics, etc. This lack is also an obstacle to the diffusion of artificial intelligence in rehabilitation, due to the data inhomogeneity,increasing uncertainty, and subjectivity. Digital Imaging and COmmunicationsin Medicine (DICOM) is an affirmed standard, born for medical imaging but recently extended to other fields of medicine, with the primary scope to share data from different devices, handle different associated processes, and assure interoperability among systems and specialists, by generating structured data and documents. In this article, a DICOM Information Object Definition (IOD) is proposed for QPR data. Furthermore, as an example, the proposed DICOM-like standard is applied for managing data from QPR of the hand, generated by the Virtual Glove (VG) device, a multi-source hand-tracking device, and results are discussed.