We revisit the classic O(N ) symmetric scalar field theories in d dimensions with interaction (φ i φ i ) 2 . For 2 < d < 4 these theories flow to the Wilson-Fisher fixed points for any N . A standard large N Hubbard-Stratonovich approach also indicates that, for 4 < d < 6, these theories possess unitary UV fixed points. We propose their alternate description in terms of a theory of N + 1 massless scalars with the cubic interactions σφ i φ i and σ 3 . Our one-loop calculation in 6 − dimensions shows that this theory has an IR stable fixed point at real values of the coupling constants for N > 1038. We show that the 1/N expansions of various operator scaling dimensions match the known results for the critical O(N ) theory continued to d = 6 − . These results suggest that, for sufficiently large N , there are 5-dimensional unitary O(N ) symmetric interacting CFT's; they should be dual to the Vasiliev higher-spin theory in AdS 6 with alternate boundary conditions for the bulk scalar. Using these CFT's we provide a new test of the 5-dimensional F -theorem, and also find a new counterexample for the C T theorem.