Object detection and tracking is widely used for detecting motions of objects present in images and video.Since last so many decades, numerous real time object detection and tracking methods have been proposed byresearchers. The proposed methods for objects to be tracked till date require some preceding informationassociated with moving objects. In real time object detection and tracking approach segmentation is the initialtask followed by background modeling for the extraction of predefined information including shape of the objects,position in the starting frame, texture, geometry and so on for further processing of the cluster pixels and videosequence of these objects. The object detection and tracking can be applied in the fields like computerized videosurveillance, traffic monitoring, robotic vision, gesture identification, human-computer interaction, militarysurveillance system, vehicle navigation, medical imaging, biomedical image analysis and many more. In thispaper we focus detailed technical review of different methods proposed for detection and tracking of objects. Thecomparison of various techniques of detection and tracking is the purpose of this work.