In this paper, we employ the Karmarkar condition to study the
geometry of compact stars experiencing anisotropy in the context of
$f(\textsf{R},\varphi,\chi)$ gravity, where $\textsf{R}$, $\varphi$
and $\chi$ denote the Ricci scalar, scalar field and kinetic term,
respectively. The field equations corresponding to the well-known
model $f(\textsf{R},\varphi,\chi)=\textsf{R}^{\lambda}+\chi+\varphi$
are formulated, $\lambda$ being the arbitrary constant. The unknown
constants involved in Karmarkar condition are calculated by matching
the internal and external regimes at the hypersurface. We
investigate the acceptable behavior of matter variables and
anisotropy. The viability of all the resulting models is checked
using energy bounds. We also discuss some important factors such as
mass, compactness and redshift parameters. Finally, we investigate
the stable aspect of considered stars through causality condition
and Herrera cracking technique. We conclude that all the discussed
stellar structures in this theory satisfy the required constraints.