THz and submillimeter gas phase spectroscopy appears as the perfect tool for analytical chemical analysis due an exceptional degree of resolution. Despite many attractive applications such as breath analysis, environmental surveillance, food spoilage monitoring, or detection of explosive taggants, there is no commercially available versatile THz or submillimeter chemical analyzer. An important factor hindering the development of a THz chemical analyzer are the difficulties encountered to adapt ultrasensitive techniques, such as Cavity-Enhanced Techniques and Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy to the THz and submillimeter domain. Here, we describe a low-cost high finesse THz resonator based on a low loss oversized corrugated waveguide along with high reflective photonic mirrors, and how those critical components enable a Fabry-Perot THz Absorption Spectrometer obtaining a kilometer equivalent interaction length. In addition, the intracavity optical power have allowed nonlinear interactions such as Lamb-Dip effect to be studied with a low-power emitter.