<abstract><p>This is an expository text, originally intended for the ANR 'Hodgefun' workshop, twice reported, organised at Florence, villa Finaly, by B. Klingler. We show that holomorphic foliations on complex projective manifolds have algebraic leaves under a certain positivity property: the 'non pseudoeffectivity' of their duals. This permits to construct certain rational fibrations with fibres either rationally connected, or with trivial canonical bundle, of central importance in birational geometry. A considerable extension of the range of applicability is due to the fact that this positivity is preserved by the tensor powers of the tangent bundle. The results presented here are extracted from <sup>[<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="b1">1</xref>]</sup>, which is inspired by the former results <sup>[<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="b2">2</xref>,<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="b3">3</xref>,<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="b4">4</xref>]</sup>. In order to make things as simple as possible, we present here only the projective versions of these results, although most of them can be easily extended to the logarithmic or 'orbifold' context.</p></abstract>