In this paper, compact circularly polarized triband (L5‐, L1‐, and S‐bands) staired rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (RDRA) is designed, analyzed, fabricated, and tested for navigation satellite applications. For triband RDRA, circular polarization is generated in L5‐band (1.164‐1.188 GHz) and L1‐band (1.565‐1.585 GHz) using dual section Wilkinson power divider (WPD) with wideband 90° phase shifter. For S‐band (2.48‐2.5 GHz), circular polarization is obtained by single section WPD with wideband 90° phase shifter. Ground plane footprint area of triband staired RDRA is miniaturized to 0.16λ0 × 0.16λ0 (40 mm × 40 mm) at lowest resonance frequency f1 of 1.176 GHz using high dielectric constant (εr = 38.67) dielectric resonator material and high dielectric constant (εr = 10.2) dielectric substrate (Rogers RO3210). Broadside radiation patterns of triband RDRA are generated for L5‐, L1‐, and S‐bands using TE111y, TE113y, and TE112y modes, respectively. Simulated and measured return loss at port‐1 of RDRA for L5‐, L1‐bands and port‐2 of RDRA for S‐band are better than 10 dB. Simulated and measured isolation between port‐1 and port‐2 of triband RDRA are found to be better than 13 dB for all bands. Peak right hand circular polarization gain is in the range of 0.6 to 4.5 dB over all bands for simulated and measured values. Simulated axial ratio is found to be better than 3 dB of triband RDRA. While measured values it is in the range of 0.91 to 7.02 dB.