Details are provided regarding the design, construction, and performance of a compact (Ϸ0.6-m 2 footprint), single-channel surface discharge system and its application to optically pumping the XeF(C →A) and iodine atomic lasers in the blue-green (Ϸ480 nm) and near infrared (1.315 m), respectively. The system has a gain (active) length of Ϸ50 cm, and triggering the discharge requires no high-voltage or high-current switches. Measurements of the velocity of the photodissociation bleaching wave and the small-signal gain of the XeF(C→A) system are described. At 488 nm, the gain coefficient ␥ was found to be Ϸ0.3% cm Ϫ1 , a value comparable to those reported previously for systems dissipating considerably higher power per unit length. Single-pulse energies Ͼ50 mJ from the XeF(C→A) laser (Ϸ485 nm) and Ͼ0.7 J on the 5p 2 P 1/2 →5p 2 P 3/2 transition of atomic iodine at 1.315 m have been obtained with nonoptimized resonator output couplings (5% and 10%, respectively). The rate of erosion of the dielectric surface has been measured to be Ϸ0.1 to 0.3 m/shot for a glass ceramic dielectric, and the performance of two electrical configurations for the ballasting pins (feedthrough and V) is compared.