From the Editors. The following article contains summarized information concerning the state of the construction work at the Kanevsk hydroelectric plant and the successes of the constructors, as well as a list of articles on this plant, published in the tournal Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroiterstvo. In order to present more detailed information concerning experience with the construction of the Kanevsk hydroelectric plant, the Editoral Staff, together with the most active collaborators, has planned a series of articles, which are now being prepared for publication in one of the coming issues of the Journal.The Kanevsk hydroelectric plant was placed in operation in 19q2 [-I, 2]. Navigation through the Kanevsk lock started on July 22, 1972; the pit was flooded and the Dnieper River was dammed without using embankments,* in September;, and six of the 24 units contemplated in the project were put into operation during the fourth quarter.With the putting into operation of the Kanevsk hydroelectric plant, which is located between the Kiev and the Kremenchug hydroelectric plants, on the right bank of the Drdeper River in the city of Kanev, construction of the plant system on the lower reaches of the Dnieper River has been completed [3] and deep-water navigation is ensured between the Black Sea and the Mouth of the Pripyat River.The total capacity of the Kanevsk plant is 420,000 kW, generated by 24 bulb-type horizontal units (similar to the units used at the Kievsk pianO; the reservoir has an area of 640 km z at normal pool level, and a total volume of 2.6 kmS; the long-term electric energy output is 825 million kWh/yr. The structures at the Kanevsk hydraulic development include [1] the powerhouse, which is combined with the spillway; the cellular-type abutments; the navigation structures; and the earth dams, with a total length of 16.1 kin. The navigation lock is separated from the powerhouse by a hydraulic-fill dam. A highway and a railway are being constructed over the main structures.* The precast trussed elements were manufactured in special stands located at the stilling basin and the upstream apron of the powerhouse, under two gantry cranes. * The following is a list of articles published in the journal Gidrotekknicheskoe Stroitel'stvo.