Let s ≥ 1, ω, ω 0 ∈ P 0 E,s , a ∈ Γ (ω0) s , and let B be a suitable invariant quasi-Banach function space, Then we prove that the pseudo-differential operator Op(a) is continuous from M (ω 0 ω, B) to M (ω, B).(0.1) However, by replacing the classical function and distribution spaces with suitable Gelfand-Shilov or Gevrey spaces and their spaces of ultradistributions, the problem (0.1) become well-posed. (See [3, 25].) An other classical example concerns the heat problemwhere Ω is a cuboid. It is well-posed when moving forward in time (t > 0), but not well-posed when moving backwards in time (t < 0)2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35S05, 47B37, 47G30, 42B35.