“…3 The Aid for Trade Global Review, which aims to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of Aid for Trade to provide strong incentive to both donors and recipients for advancing the Aid for Trade agenda, represents an important forum where the international trade community and the development community could discuss the effectiveness of the AfT flows as well ways to enhance such effectiveness in recipient countries (for further information, see online at: https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/devel_e/a4t_e/aid4trade_e.htm) 4 Similarly, the economic impact of services has received relatively less attention compared to that of goods, of goods and services considered together economic impact of services trade (e.g., Alege & Ogundipe, 2015;Balchin et al, 2016;El Khoury & Savvides, 2006;Dash & Parida, 2013;Gabrielle, 2006;Hoekman & Shingal, 2020;Li et al, 2003;Lorde, Francis, & Drakes, 2011;Mishra et al, 2011;Thomas, 2019). 5 Studies concerning the determinants of trade in services (notably services exports) include for example Anand et al (2011) Choi (2010Clarke, 2008;Gupta (2013a, 2013b); Gnangnon & Iyer, 2018;Freund and Weinhold (2002); Gani and Clemes (2013); Goswami, Gupta, and Mattoo (2012); Kandilov and Grennes (2010); Karam and Zaki (2013); Kimura and Lee (2006); Morgan and Snowden (2007); Li et al (2016); Moshirian andSim (2003, 2005); Dash (2014, 2017); Sandra and Pelin (2012); Shingal (2010); Sapir and Lutz (1981); Sandeep (2011);Wong, Tang, and Fausten (2009). 6 Studies on these matter include for example…”