Apricot is the fruit of the common apricot tree, Prunus armeniaca L., of the Rosaceae family (subfamily Pomoides). In 2019, Algerian apricot production amounted to 256.890 t. 1 The fruit of the apricot is distinguished by its high dietary value, and is a valuable raw material for processing. 2 It is highly appreciated by consumers due to its delicious taste, appealing smell, vivid colours, and numerous nutritional properties which are a result of its rich content of minerals, fibres, sugars and bioactive phytochemicals, including vitamin C, β-carotene, thiamine, ri-boflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid, as well as phenols, carotenoids, and tocopherols. 3 Recently, research trends are focused on studying healthy foods and natural products due to their potential use as biologically active compounds and their consecutive connection in treating and mitigating diseases. 4 Natural antioxidants such as phenolic, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids are contributing substantially to the prevention of oxidation and quenching of free radicals species. These antioxidants are highly effective against oxidative damage related to health disorders, including cardiovascular diseases, neurological syndromes, aging process, cancer, cataract development, weakness in the immune system, and inflammation. 5,6 The use of antioxidant-rich fruits has been