The research was conducted in 2019-2021 in the Kama region of the Republic of Tatarstan. The aim of the research was to develop a method to increase the productivity of double-grain wheat based on the application of mineral fertilizers and bird droppings during pre-sowing tillage. The work was carried out at the experimental site of Kazan State Agrarian University, where the soil is gray forest medium loamy, medium loamy in terms of granulometric composition, with the following agrochemical parameters: humus (according to Tyurin) - 3.2-3.4%, the amount of absorbed bases is 27.0 mg-eq./1000 g of soil, easily hydrolyzable nitrogen - 110 mg/1000 g of soil (according to Cornfield), mobile phosphorus and potassium (according to Kirsanov), respectively, 233-240 and 176-189 mg/1000 g of soil, pH sol. - 5.7. The object of the study was two-grain wheat (Triticum dicoccum) sample k-10456 (collection sample of the VIR im. Vavilova). The experiment was repeated four times, the plots were arranged sequentially.