Plasmodium falciparum
parasites have swept across Southeast Asia and now threaten Africa. By implementing a
P. falciparum
genetic cross using humanized mice, we report the identification of key determinants of resistance to artemisinin (ART) and piperaquine (PPQ) in the dominant Asian KEL1/PLA1 lineage. We mapped
as the central mediator of ART resistance in vitro and identified secondary markers. Applying bulk segregant analysis, quantitative trait loci mapping using 34 recombinant haplotypes, and gene editing, our data reveal an epistatic interaction between mutant PfCRT and multicopy plasmepsins 2/3 in mediating high-grade PPQ resistance. Susceptibility and parasite fitness assays implicate PPQ as a driver of selection for KEL1/PLA1 parasites. Mutant PfCRT enhanced susceptibility to lumefantrine, the first-line partner drug in Africa, highlighting a potential benefit of opposing selective pressures with this drug and PPQ. We also identified that the ABCI3 transporter can operate in concert with PfCRT and plasmepsins 2/3 in mediating multigenic resistance to antimalarial agents.