The use of lasers in the infrared region between 1200-1400 nm has steadily increased in various industrial and commercial applications. However, there are few studies documenting damage thresholds for the skin in this region, and current laser safety standards are based on limited data. This study has determined preliminary skin damage thresholds for the Effective Dose for 50% probability (ED 50 ) of a Minimum Visible Lesion (MVL) with laser exposure at 1314nm and 0.35 ms pulse width. An in-vivo pigmented animal model, Yucatan mini-pig (Sus scrofa domestica), was used in this study. The type and extent of tissue damage in the porcine skin was determined through histopathologic examination, and the findings are discussed. Finally, the results of this study were compared to other literature as well as to the existing ANSI Z136.1 (2000) standard for safe use of lasers.