Urban planning, noise propagation modelling, viewshed analysis, etc., require determination of routes or supply lines for propagation. A point-to-point routing algorithm is required to determine the best routes for the propagation of noise levels from source to destination. Various optimization algorithms are present in the literature to determine the shortest route, e.g., Dijkstra, Ant-Colony algorithms, etc. However, these algorithms primarily work over 2D maps and multiple routes. The shortest route determination in 3D from unlabeled data (e.g., precise LiDAR terrain point cloud) is very challenging. The prediction of noise data for a place necessitates extraction of all possible principal routes between every source of noise and its destination, e.g., direct route, the route over the top of the building (or obstruction), routes around the sides of the building, and the reflected routes. It is thus required to develop an algorithm that will determine all the possible routes for propagation, using LiDAR data. The algorithm uses the novel cutting plane technique customized to work with LiDAR data to extract all the principal routes between every pair of noise source and destination. Terrain parameters are determined from routes for modeling. The terrain parameters, and noise data when integrated with a sophisticated noise model give an accurate prediction of noise for a place. The novel point-to-point routing algorithm is developed using LiDAR data of the RGIPT campus. All the shortest routes were tested for their spatial accuracy and efficacy to predict the noise levels accurately. Various routes are found to be accurate within ±9 cm, while predicted noise levels are found to be accurate within ±6 dBA at an instantaneous scale. The novel accurate 3D routing algorithm can improve the other urban applications too.