Introduction. Due to the increased requirement for platelet concentrate use in the treatment and prevention of thrombocytopathy, there is a pressing need for the development, improvement and implementation of new approaches to monitoring its quality parameters and safety assessment.Objective. To conduct a systematic review and analysis of literature data, in order to identify promising approaches to evaluating an adequate analysis of the quality of platelet concentrate to improve the effectiveness and safety of transfusions.Discussion. The possibilities and advantages of a rational approach to platelet concentrate transfusion are established, while considering the degree of platelet activation required to optimize the preparation of the component. Special attention was paid to methods for evaluating platelet activation. The detection of microparticles based on dynamic light scattering will make it possible to distinguish activated platelets (with a high content of microparticles) from inactive (with a low content of microparticles) platelets during both therapeutic and preventive transfusions and optimize the use of this scarce blood component.Conclusions. The ability to differentiate platelet concentrates based on the screening of the content of microparticles formed due to activation will contribute to improving the effectiveness and safety of transfusion therapy.