STEENBERG M, MELGAREJO AB. Functional and metabolic effects of bupivacaine and lidocaine in the perfused working rat heart. Anesth Analg 1988;67:929-35.The effects of bupiuacaine (2 5, 5, 10, and 12.5 ingIL) and lidociline (12 5, 25, 40, and 50 mglL), on spontaneous lieart rate, mean pvessure development, cardiac output, a i d coronary flow were compared aftev 15 miiutes' exposure i n tlie isolated perfused working rat heart preparation In addition, myocardial oxygen consurription, glucose utilization, lactate production, tissue content of < y l y c o p , adenine nucleotides, and creatiiie phosphate content zueri' measured The relatiue potency of bupiz~acaine to lidocaine, calculntcd froin slopes of regression equatiotis, as indicated l~y tlie four rnechan ical var iabl er n rid oxygen coiisu in p t ion, z t m 4.59.When the bupiuacaine concentration Z L J~S "rioriiinlizcd" using tkis zmlile, bupiuocaiiie and lidocairie shouied i d i stinguishable c$ects on glucose utilization, lactate production, and tissue SlycoScn. Neitkcr of the local anesthetics had any influence on energy cliiirge or creatiiie pliosplunte con tent.