Abstract. The compressibility and structural variations of two 2M 1 muscovites having compositions (Nao.oyKo.90 Bao.o1E]o.oz)(All.84Tio.04Feo.ovMgo.o4)(Si3.02Alo.98) Olo (OH)2 (7 mole % paragonite) and (Nao.37Ko.60Do.03)(All.84Tio.02 Fe0.a0Mg0.06)(Si3.o3A10.97 ) O10(OH)2 (37 mole % paragonite) were determined at pressures between 1 bar and 35 kbar, by single-crystal X-ray diffraction using a Merrill-Bassett diamond anvil cell.Isothermal bulk moduli, setting K'= 4, were 490 and 540 (__+ 30) kbar for the Na-poor and Na-rich samples respectively. Both samples show highly anisotropic compressibility patterns, with fla:flb:flc= 1:1.15:3.95 for the Na-poor sample and fia:flb:flc=1:l.19:3.46 for the Narich one.HP structural refinements showed that the different compressibility was largely due to the partial substitution of Na for K in the interlayer region. Moreover, the different compressibility of the tetrahedral and octahedral layers, observed in both micas, increased the a rotation of the tetrahedral layer by about 2 ~ in 28 kbar, as also indicated by the evolution of interlayer cation bond lengths. This increases the repulsion of oxygens of the basal layers and between the high-charged cations of the tetrahedral layer. As a consequence, phengitic substitution, reducing c~ rotation, would increase the baric stability of mica.Comparison between the HP structures of muscovite and phlogopite indicated the lower compressibility of the latter, mainly due to the greater compressibility of the dioctahedral layer with respect to that of the trioctahedral layer.The H T and HP behaviour of di-and trioctahedral micas showed an anisotropy in the compressional pattern which was markedly greater than that observed in the dilatation pattern. This unexpected result was explained by the different evolution with P and Tof alkali-O bond lengths. By combining HP and H Tdata, a tentative equation of state of muscovite is proposed.