ABSTRACT. The profitability of rearing larval asp, Aspius aspius (L.), ide, Leuciscus idus (L.), and dace, Leuciscus leuciscus (L.), was assessed in a system of 12 aquaria with a combined volume of 600 dm 3 .Two feeding variants were used: a) natural feed exclusively; b) natural feed plus formulated feed after seven days of rearing. All rearing variants were profitable and posed relatively low financial risks. The variant in which only natural feed was used was the most profitable. The savings incurred by the addition of formulated feed did not offset the profit lost from lower larval stock survival rates. In light of profitability, the most important aspect of larval rearing was the price of the stocking material, which was 250% higher for asp than for ide or dace. In both feeding variants, asp rearing was the most profitable and the values of the indices used to describe profitability were the best.