Solid carriers have been developed to inoculate Trametes versicolor andCunninghamella elegans into manufactured gas plant site soils. Pelleted wheat bran carriers were very efficient in stimulating the growth of fungi in an industrial soil containing about 2800 mg kg -1 PAHs. Fungal biomass and activity of extracellular laccases, enzymes produced by T. versicolor as markers of metabolic activity in the contaminated soil, both decreased after 2 weeks of incubation. Supplementing the soil with a mixture of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus enhanced the fungal activity period.A 38% decrease of solvent extractable PAHs was observed in manufactured gas plant site soils when supplemented with T. versicolor, Glucidex 19 TM , ammonium nitrate, lime phosphate and Montanox 80 TM , after 20 weeks. Then, the degradation proceeded more slowly during the following 30 weeks, and reached 43% of initial extractable PAHs. Some factors governing a limited PAH biotransformation in the soil are discussed.