The 5 th Historic Mortars Conference was held in Pamplona, at the University of Navarra, Spain, during June 19-21, 2019. HMC 2019 hosted more than 150 scientific communications from the five continents. The underlying theme was the interest in the Historic Mortars from multiple points of view: • Analysis of ancient materials, either in archaeological sites or in structures of the Architectural Heritage. • Studies on a wide variety of materials (such as renders and plasters, grouts, masonry materials and coatings) and compositions (earth-based mortars, gypsum plasters, hydraulic mortars, air lime mortars, mortars with pozzolans, natural and Roman cement mortars). • Research works on historic production, processing and application, including lime technologies. • Archaeometry studies. • Conservation issues: diagnosis, decay and damage mechanisms, case studies. • Preservation and repair materials: consolidation products, new mortars with improved properties, additives and admixtures, use of nanotechnology to obtain highly efficient repair products, preventive conservation. • Requirements for repair works and materials and adequacy of the testing procedures.