A study has created a solar pond model. The pond's performance in terms of heat storage and electric power generation using TEG is analyzed using this model. The impact of various parameters, such as covering the pond's surface with plastic and using reflectors to focus on the intensity of solar radiation, will be investigated. A pyramidal pond with a base size of 0.64 square meters was used to validate the model. And it has a 6.25 square meter surface area. There's also a 1.35-meter depth. The walls are inclined at a 60-degree angle. TEG was also used to determine the pond's electrical capacity. The addition of a plastic cover and reflectors enhanced the efficiency of the pond's operation from 12.1% to 27.5%, according to the findings. At a lower layer temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, the electrical capacity reached 104 watts with a TEG operating efficiency of 8.9%.