Cr, Nd)-doped Gd 3 Sc 2 Ga 3 O 12 garnet (GSGG) gained popularity owing to its good laser performances in Q-switched regime under lamp pumping based on two circumstances: (i) good absorption of Cr 3+ ions and very efficient energy transfer to Nd 3+ , and (ii) better performance in Q-switched emission than Nd: YAG due to longer lifetime, weaker self-quenching of emission and smaller emission cross-section [1-3]. GSGG shows better stability than YAG at ionizing radiation and single crystals of large size can be grown by Czochralski method, with uniformity and reproducibility problems. However, power scaling of these lasers was hampered by the weaker heat conductivity, about half from Nd: YAG and with the advent of diode lasers for Nd 3+ , GSGG lost its popularity. The present work investigates the spectroscopic properties of Nd-doped GSGG in order to identify modalities to extend the power range by increasing the emission performances and reduction of heat generation.Spectroscopic investigation was performed with Nd-doped (up to 7-at% Nd) single crystals and with transparent ceramics produced by the solid-sate synthesis method. Preliminary investigation revealed that the spectroscopic properties of these materials are similar [4]. The extended investigation reported in this work reveals that in the absorption spectrum 4 I 9/2 4 F 3/2 the transitions between the Stark components Z 2 R 1 and Z 3 R 2 are almost perfectly superimposed in the 883 nm band (Fig. 1). The 300 K peak absorption coefficient of this band for 1at.% Nd is 1.9 cm -1 , about 3.5 times smaller than for the strong 809 nm line. This suggests the possibility to pump the Nd: GSGG lasers directly into the emitting manifold by using the 883 nm line. Compared with the 808 nm pumping, the 883 nm pumping enables an increase of the quantum defect (Stokes) ratio qd = p / em by 9.1%, with a corresponding enhancement of the laser parameters and with reduction of heat generation of ~ 30% in case of 1064 nm laser emission. The quite large Nd doping level in GSGG enables the use of this approach for a large variety of laser active components from minilasers to large size components. The calculation based on estimated quantum efficiency at different Nd concentrations indicates that the pump at 883 nm enables the scaling in power by more than 50 % larger than for the 808 nm pumping. 8700 8800 8900 9000 0 5 10 15 (Z 3 -R 2 ) k, cm -1 λ, λ, λ, λ, A Z 2 -R 1 (Z 2 -R 1 )+ Fig. 1 300 K absorption of 6-at% Nd: GSGG ceramics.Fig. 2 CW laser emission of Nd:GSGG under 809 and 883 nm diode pumpingFig. 3 Free generation and Cr 4+ :YAG passive Qswitched emission under diode pumping at 883 nm.The enhancement of CW laser emission parameters of an uncoated Nd: GSGG crystal with 1at% Nd under the 883 nm compared with 808 nm diode laser (fiber-coupled DL FA-808 and FA-885, Coherent Co., USA) pumping is demonstrated in Fig. 2: the slope efficiency increases from 0.31 to 0.39. Moreover, while in case of 809 nm pumping P out is limited to 2.2 W (for P abs =8.1 W) due to thermal effects...