(serotonin, and peptides (e.g., bombesin, calcitonin) with growth factor-like properties and are thought to play an important role in lung development. Because physical forces are essential for lung growth and development, we investigated the effects of mechanical strain on 5-HT release in PNEC freshly isolated from rabbit fetal lung and in the PNEC-related tumor H727 cell line. Cultures exposed to sinusoidal cyclic stretch showed a significant 5-HT release inhibitable with gadolinium chloride (10 nM), a blocker of mechanosensitive channels. In contrast to hypoxia (PO 2 ϳ 20 mmHg), stretch-induced 5-HT release was not affected by Ca 2ϩ -free medium or nifedipine (50 M), excluding the exocytic pathway. In H727 cells, stretch failed to release calcitonin, a peptide stored within dense core vesicles (DCV), whereas hypoxia caused massive calcitonin release. 5-HT released by mechanical stretch is derived predominantly from the cytoplasmic pool, because it is rapid (ϳ5 min) and is releasable from early (20 days of gestation) fetal PNEC containing few DCV. Both mechanical stretch and hypoxia upregulated expression of tryptophan hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme of 5-HT synthesis. We conclude that mechanical strain is an important physiological stimulus for the release of 5-HT from PNEC via mechanosensitive channels with potential effects on lung development and resorption of lung fluid at the time of birth. mechanosensitive ion channels; amine storage pools; neuroendocrine cell secretion; hypoxia-induced secretion; fetal lung fluid THE SYSTEM OF PULMONARY NEUROENDOCRINE CELLS (PNEC) is composed of amine (serotonin, 5-HT)-and peptide (e.g., bombesin, calcitonin)-producing cells widely distributed within the airway mucosa of human and animal lungs (13,34,40). PNEC occur as single cells and as distinctive innervated clusters, neuroepithelial bodies (NEB). Whereas solitary PNEC populate the mucosa of the trachea and bronchi up to the terminal bronchioles, NEB are found only within intrapulmonary airways, where they appear concentrated at airway branch points (7). Pulmonary NEB function as airway O 2 sensors, because they express a membrane-bound O 2 -sensing molecular complex composed of an O 2 -sensitive K ϩ channel coupled to an O 2 -sensing protein, NADPH oxidase (9, 10, 45). Hypoxia activates the O 2 sensor, leading to Ca 2ϩ -dependent exocytosis of dense core vesicles (DCV), the storage site of amine and peptides, and the release of these mediators acting locally or via vagal afferents (9, 10). Hypoxia induced 5-HT release from NEB cells is dose dependent and occurs within the physiological range expected in the airway (PO 2 ϳ 95 mmHg) (17). The precise role of solitary PNEC and whether they are functionally distinct from NEB is not known, although they share identical neuroendocrine and molecular markers as well as innervation (13,34,40). PNEC/NEB appear prominent in fetal and neonatal lungs but are less conspicuous in the lungs of adults because of a "dilutional" effect of postnatal lung growth (20).PNEC are th...