An algal assay procedure using microplate technique was carried out to assess the effect of selenium on the growth of some green and blue-green algae. Sodium selenite pentahydrate (NaSeOs.5 HzO) and selendioxide (Sez04) were tested as selenium. The test algae were Selenastrum capricornutum, Scenedesmus obliquus, Chlorella sp., Monoraphidium convolutum, Monoraphidium contortum, Monoraphidium griffithii, Anabaena flos-aquae, Microcystis aeruginosa, and Oscillatoria agardhii. The blue-green algae are toxin-producing strains. Cell number and in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence were the growth parameters of green and blue-green algae respectively. Doseresponse curves quantify the selenium toxicity in terms of EGO. The lowest selenium concentrations giving no detectable growth (EC , , , ) were visually inspected. The test algae showed distinctly different responses to various selenium treatments. Selenium at concentrations < 0.1 mg L-1 stimulates, to varying degrees, the growth of all the green algae with one exception: S. capricornutum was dramatically inhibited at all treatments. 0. agardhii, A. flos-aquae and M. aeruginosa showed marginal growth stimulation up to O.lmg Se L-1, 1.0mg Se L-1 and 3.2 mg Se L-1 respectively. In terms of EGO, the compound selendioxide was more toxic to greens than sodium selenite. The reverse was indicated for the blue-greens. In general, the ECso presented a wide range (0.08-7.2 mg Se L-I), with the lowest values reported for S. obliquus and the highest for M. aeruginosa. All the test algae, except S. obliquus, maintained observable growths at higher selenium levels (ECIOO > 1.0 < 100 mg Se L-I).