The pathogenesis of brain injury or dysfunction following hypoxic or ischemic episodes is an issue of considerable importance. The neurochemical re sponses to hypoxia and ischemia are complex, and a number of authors have suggested that anaerobic metabolism of exogenous glucose to form lactic acid is a critical element in determining whether permanent cerebral injury occurs. This hypothesis dates to reports of Myers and Yamaguchi (1977) in which cardiac arrest during hyperglycemia was as sociated with more extensive neurological injury than cardiac arrest during normoglycemia. Rehn crona et al. (1980) found that if the lactate concen- tration exceeded 20-25 mmol/kg, recovery to a nor mal energy state was precluded. Subsequent re ports have supported this hypothesis (Siesj6, 1985;Rehncrona, 1986).The effects of hypoxia on glucose metabolism are more complex than the commonly held belief that anaerobic glycolysis causes acidosis owing to the hydrolysis of lactic acid. Gevers (1977) pointed out that the production of lactate itself does not lead to an obligatory co-production of hydrogen ions and a fall in pH, since the net products of anaerobic gly colysis are two lactate ions and two MgATp 2 -ions.Acidosis is caused by the concurrent net hydrolysis of ATP, which produces two H+ ions. Although the net reaction of anaerobic glycolysis, ATP hydroly sis, and synthesis, always yields two lactate ions and two H+ ions from each glucose molecule, the concentration of dissociated hydrogen ions is af fected by the pH of the reaction system, the mag nesium ion concentration, and the substrate (glu cose or glycogen) (Hochachka and Mommsen,