This paper analyzes trends in renewable-energy-sources (RES), power converters, and control strategies, as well as battery energy storage and the relevant issues in battery charging and monitoring, with reference to a new and improved energy grid. An alternative micro-grid architecture that overcomes the lack of flexibility of the classic energy grid is then described. By mixing DC and AC sources, the hybrid micro-grid proposes an alternative architecture where the use of bi-directional electric vehicle chargers creates a micro-grid that directly interconnects all the partner nodes with bi-directional energy flows. The micro-grid nodes are the main grid, the RES and the energy storage systems, both, on-board the vehicle and inside the micro-grid structure. This model is further sustained by the new products emerging in the market, since new solar inverters are appearing, where a local energy storage for the RES is available. Therefore, the power flow from/towards the RES becomes bi-directional with improved flexibility and efficiency.