Narrow band imaging represents a promising endoscopic technique which allows real time characterization of colonic lesions by assessment of mucosal and vascular patterns. Due to the ability to make an optical biopsy, NBI could become a useful tool in clinical decisions regarding therapy and surveillance. The aim of this paper is to review the current knowledge on the optical diagnosis of colonic lesions by using NBI endoscopy. We reviewed research articles, reviews and meta-analyses from the PubMed and MEDLINE containing relevant data in this field. The validity of endoscopic criteria for the differentiation of adenoma and hyperplastic polyps, as well as of invasive cancer, has been evaluated in recent studies. Based on the prediction of polyp histology, new potential cost saving strategies have been proposed. Many reports are focused on the accuracy of optical biopsy by using NBI for predicting colonoscopy surveillance intervals and adenomatous histology in diminutive polyps, according to the Preservation and Incorporation of Valuable Endoscopic Innovations statement. Optical diagnosis is still under evaluation, and cannot yet be endorsed in routine practice. The high level of performance achieved by expert endoscopists needs to be replicated in the community utilizing reliable and standardized endoscopic criteria.
IntroductionThe development of advanced endoscopic techniques such as narrow band imaging endoscopy, with or without magnification, represents an important step in the improvement of characterization of colonic lesions by predicting underlying histology. This creates the possibility to adopt new strategies regarding therapy and surveillance in clinical practice. The potential benefits of the real time estimation of a polyp's histology during NBI endoscopy, so called "optical biopsy", are related to potentially decreasing total costs of colonoscopy by eliminating unnecessary biopsies and polypectomies. Recent reports have shown promising results in this field, but controversies remain. Concerns center upon a lack of standardization among different classification systems, variable inter-observer agreement, and lagging clinical acceptance.The aim of this paper is to assess the current knowledge on the optical diagnosis of colonic lesions by using NBI endoscopy. We reviewed research articles, reviews and meta-analyses published in the last eight years in the PubMed and MEDLINE databases for the following search terms: narrow band imaging endoscopy, colonic polyps, and colorectal neoplasia.